Thursday, June 24, 2010

Lauren's High School Graduation

It seems like only yesterday our precious Lauren was singing along to Barney and dressing her Barbies in matching pajamas! But it's true folks...Lauren isn't so little any more and on June 14th, 2010 she graduated from Westview High School!!!

The Sunday before graduation our Stake held Seminary graduation in which Lauren received her Certificate of Completion. Here's the choir singing at the High School graduation. Lauren is actually singing in this group...Where's Waldo?!?!

Doesn't she have such a great smile?!
Congratulations on NOT tripping on the stage Lauren!

YAY!!! You made it!!!

Our family was the only one with this AWE-SOME poster... it thoroughly embarrassed Lauren! That's what family is for...RIGHT?!?!

Nothing like a graduation kiss from big brother!

Lauren look GORGEOUS that night!
Congratulations Lauren! Your family loves you SOOOO much and we are all very proud of everything you've accomplished. You are such a talented young woman and we look forward to seeing all that your future hold for you!

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